Today we registered Jasmine’s birth. She is official. They use fountain pens to sign everything because they use ink which never fades.
The nurses took a sample from Jasmine’s dialysis fluid last night, and her white count is back down to 2, so this latest case of peritonitis seems to be under control, which is good news.
I set up Jasmine’s dialysis machine this afternoon, which was nerve-wracking as I was actually setting up a machine that our daughter would be plugged into later. Afterwards, I felt really glad that I had done it. It is another step towards us taking care of our Jasmine.
Afterwards, the nurses and I worked out a daily routine with specific times for feeding, bathing and dressing changes so that as each shift changes over, Neil and I can stay with the same routine.
Sarah visited later with lots of lovely smellies for Jasmine and for us (thanks Sarah). Sarah’s Grandma also sent a soft blanket which she knitted (thank you Mrs Vincent). Unfortunately, Jasmine christened it by being sick almost immediately. We are washing it this evening and will try again tomorrow.
Hi, found your website while trying to find more about monogen.
The joys and woes of having a little one in neo-natel and all the tension etc have been really captured by your website. My son was released from hospital this monday after a month, but your website has helped answer something for me which I havent had from the consultants – we have to go back later this month. My son was born by em section due to having fluid all over his body – loads of chest drains, ventilation etc but no answer was given as to what had caused it. Couldnt take breast milk as it turned the drain a funny colour, onto monogen, and the plan is to re-introduce breast milk and have his x-rayed etc – but there is the white cells present in urine samples which I couldnt get an answer from the Drs and was told it would only be discussed when he goes back in – so i know they think there is something wrong with his kidney, the monogen, he is still slightly yellow, unexplained fluid at birth all over his body……… thanks, I am now a little wiser, full of questions for my son’s consultant and dreading the attempted change over (already was) but now know more what might happen and why – surely as a parent (single parent) the powers that think they control life should be more open, rather than skirting around what could be or become a major issue!
I wish you and your little precious bundle good luck, and will be back to check how things go!
God Bless – (no not a religious nut, I just thank each day I have with my son – he already has downs)