Jasmine had her bloods taken. The doctor asked me to close the curtains and turn out the lights, which was slightly worrying. However, she just took Jasmine’s arm and scanned it with an infrared light to find her veins.
This afternoon, Jasmine had her brain scanned. This was to check that her droopy eye and lip smacking are only symptoms of dialysis – too much or too little fluid. She slept through the ultrasound and the cold gel on her head and only got upset when she filled her nappy on the way back up in the lift. She is my gorgeous strange girl.
Under supervision, I changed her PD exit site and that was good as I felt less frightened of it. Although, I did have to wash my hands for six minutes as I managed to touch the sink after the first three minutes hand wash. Jasmine was brilliant throughout the whole thing. She didn’t even flinch when I was pulling off the large waterproof dressing. Neil and I both took her blood pressure too.
She was put on dialysis early today and the nurses took a sample which was clear and sent it off for analysis. Hopefully, they have caught whatever infection it is. Jasmine will be on antibiotics for two weeks.
Jasmine wasn’t sick at all today, which was good news. She even had an extra feed, because we got a bit muddled up again with times. This could explain why she wasn’t too excited about her feeds and had to have quite a lot through her tube today.
Now, when I put her up on my shoulder to wind her she puts her arm around my neck and pants little hot breaths onto my skin. It is wonderful. I spent most of the day winding her.