We had a lovely time on our holidays. Jasmine got to meet her Grandad and Aunties and Uncles and cousins and my cousins. And we got to show her off to everybody, which was lovely. Jasmine loved all the attention and was happy to sit on everyones’ knees.

Jasmine saw the sea for the first time, and had her first trip round a supermarket sitting in a shopping trolley. She loved both and I loved doing the traditional baby things. In the north-east when people see your baby for the first time, they rub the baby’s hand with silver for luck and then give her the silver. It was nice to finally get to experience this. Lots of people stopped us in the street and supermarket to say that they thought that Jasmine was beautiful but no one – not one single person – asked why she was wearing the NG tube. Lovely, lovely people – friendly, not nosy. It was good to be home.

Doing dialysis in a different place was good too. Things took a bit longer than usual, but it was manageable. A change can be as good as rest and now we are back in our own little flat, we feel rested and pleased to know that with a bit of preparation, the world is our oyster.
Today Neil gave Jasmine her first epo injection without any supervision. It was great and took about two minutes.

What a great tradition! And seriously, how could people not comment on how cute she is, thats such a given right, every day she gets more adorable! Shes a doll and the beach picture is beautiful! Glad to hear that the change in dialysis went smoothly, its nice when you can learn how to dialysise to live not live to dialysise! Thinking of you and sending thoughts and prayers, Jill
Redcar beach??
Well done you !! Its a big step forward. Sounds and looks like a lot of fun on your hols ! My family send their love !
Hi everyone, glad you enjoyed your ‘hols’ in the sunny north east, can’t beat it, all that sea air …brrrr…and ice-cream…yummy…your mum told me all about it and the pics of the cousins are great. We had an afternoon out at a Saltburn Victorian group show on Tues. enjoyed it, us being of the ‘victorian age’ took a pic of Brenda and your mum but haven’t worked out how to send it, I’ll gave it to ‘Jazzy’ probably when she is about 5…so take care all and keep taking the gorgeous photos of Jasmine, and of course her proud mum and dad…bye for now…x