I was waiting whilst Ruth was in the recovery room and Jasmine was rushed straight to the intensive care unit (ICU). I phoned the Grandparents to tell them that we have a baby daughter, who weighs 2.8kgs and is 47 cms long.After a while I was allowed into ICU to see Jasmine in her incubator. She was having trouble breathing and was on a ventilator. The doctors had had to remove a lot of mucus from her nose and force air into her lungs. The pressure had torn her right lung and she had air in her chest cavity. So they put a drain in her chest. I was able to look at the before and after x-rays of her deflated and then reinflated tiny lung. I then went to the Turpin Ward to find Ruth who looked well after surgery and was eating her dinner.
The doctor came round to explain to Ruth what had been happening down in ICU and told us that they were waiting for the CATS team from Great Ormond St Hospital (GOSH) to arrive.When they arrived everyone took a lot of time and care to stabilise Jasmine before putting her in the ambulance. I nearly missed the ambulance as I had nipped off to the toilet and they were frantically phoning me, ready to go!
I said goodbye to Ruth and collected her milk from the fridge and got into the ambulance with Jasmine, who was in a blue capsule on a trolley with lots of monitors. We sped across London with the blue lights flashing.
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