At 4am we got an ambulance across town. There I was prepped again – canula in hand etc., whilst waiting in their queue (massive c-section queues all round London that night). At 6am the surgeon came in and said because of the kidney problems he wanted more senior staff to operate on me and also to have the whole neo-natal team there. At 10am the most senior surgeon came in and said that he wasn’t taking any chances and wanted my baby off straight to Great Ormond Street Hospital(GOSH) and I would be apart from her for three days (in recovery) so he wanted to transfer me back to UCH so I could be near her. The trip would be too far to make from Homerton on a daily basis after such a big operation. By this time we were exhausted and I wanted to get the baby out.
At 1pm I was taken down to surgery. Jasmine was born at 1.23pm Monday afternoon. It took him about six minutes to get her out. The operation was absolutely lovely (if there is such a thing), everyone was there and chatting and happy and rejoicing in our baby. They rushed Jasmine out and straight into intensive care so I got a quick look at her as she came out and as I was wheeled out. Then they put me in the recovery room and threw Neil out. I shivered uncontrollably for half an hour and then was transferred to a ward with all the other mothers and babies.
Shortly after I started leaking so they put me on a breast pump.