The doctors were pleased with her bowel progress today, which made us happy. She filled her nappy twice and was up to 8mls an hour of breast milk. We got to feed her, wind her, and change her nappy in between holding her for hours and hours.
The next hurdle is to see if she has a bladder. She did have one during the pregnancy – we saw her empty it once on the ultrasound. However, if the bladder is not used it will dry up. On Friday they will run dye up through her bladder using a catheter and down through the right kidney using the nephrostomy to see what is going on.
Jasmine looked much happier being fed, but was awake for several hours so we could chat to her, and tonight she was put on dialysis for the night (14 hours).
Hello Ruth, Neil and Jasmine!
Jasmine’s birthday was the start of my 3 weeks’ vacation, so it’s been quite an emotional read catching up on all that has happened since then.
The better news from today is encouraging. Jasmine is lovely and I sincerely wish you the best.
Good to see, long may it continue 😉