Jasmine had more x-rays during the night, whilst they tracked the barium meal. The surgeons came around this afternoon to tell us that they were much happier with the way the x-rays looked and they were holding off on surgery, but keeping a close eye on her over the next couple of days. Her condition seems to have improved, and if there was any obstruction in her bowels then they would have expected her condition to get worse.
Also, Jasmine had a low potassium count on Sunday, and low potassium causes your digestion to stop working. She was given a potassium drip and her levels are now back to normal.
Jasmine’s stomach is now completely empty. She managed to fill her nappy three times and didn’t vomit up any bile today. So this evening she was put back on dialysis and then given 1ml of breast milk through a syringe. She was so happy about this she immediately stopped crying and went to sleep, licking her chops. They will gradually increase her feed over the next couple of days.
We are friends of Neil’s parents (Angela and I shared a flat in Chiswick) and have been following your roller coaster last fews days as Jasmine struggled with her feeding. So glad she has been able to enjoy her milk again. Ou daughter’s best friend worked on Victoria ward in the unit where Jasmine is. They are very special there. Our love and prayers are with you all. Pat