I went down to surgery at Guy’s hospital early in the morning, around 8 am. I was very nervous and tired and wanted to get on with it. Unfortunately my notes had gone walkabout so the anaesthetist tried to make small talk. They found the notes, the anaesthetist put in a new cannula and I was soon under.
At Great Ormond Street Ruth took Jasmine down for surgery. The first lift broke down so everyone had to switch to a different lift. Ruth held Jasmine while she was put under by the anaesthetist. She then had a long anxious wait. She got some lunch and fed Calista, then headed over to Guy’s to visit me.

I woke up in the recovery room. The nurses were very nice, chatting and keeping an eye on me. Then someone came in, and asked where the kidney was going. I knew that it must have gone already, but it was rather disconcerting that they didn’t know, and made me spell out Jasmine’s name. Afterwards it was explained that they were trying to find out whether a scan was needed for the recipient.
After a while I was moved back upstairs to the ward. Ruth came up to see me, which was lovely.
When Jasmine came out of surgery she was moved to the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU). When Ruth got back to Great Ormond Street hospital they were just reopening the building after a fire below the renal ward. Ruth went into PICU to find out how Jasmine was. The kidney had produced urine during the operation, which is a really good sign, and she had produced 4mls of urine by midnight. She was on a ventilator, and had lots of lines in.
Later in the evening Ruth came over to visit me at Guy’s, and showed me some pictures on Jasmine in PICU. It was great to see that she was OK.