I woke today to the dulcet tones of Ruth bawling out the window. She had been keeping up surveillance on the fencing club below us and had caught someone throwing litter in the flower bed (this is being generous to the patch of dirt by the wall outside our window). The guy sheepishly picked up his litter and put it in the bin.
That was just the start of a hectic day. We did the stock take for Baxter ready for our next delivery. There has been a mix-up over the different types of alco-wipes that we get, so Ruth had to explain the problem. The woman on the phone said that there had been a shortage of alco-wipes which is probably explained by the fact they keep delivering them to our house and not giving us any of the other ones which we need.
Jasmine’s catheter dressing needed changing as well. It was a bit crusty today, as she has been pulling on it and it has been weeping. It is difficult to stop her pulling on it, as she is getting very fast.
Jasmine was also due to have her Epo injection. Ruth gave the injection this week, and did a great job, I held Jasmine on my knee while she got stabbed in the leg. She screamed, but soon got over it.
We need more Epo syringes from the chemist, so we tried out the new ordering process. I phoned up the pharmacist and told her what we need. She is going to fill out the prescription, take it to the doctors, get it back from the doctors, order the medicines, and give us a ring when everything is ready. As you can imagine, this should be fantastic, and save us many trips to haggle with the doctors over lost prescriptions.
Our hoover has been on the way out for a while so we went to Argos and got a new Henry Extra. Ruth was so excited we had to unpack it immediately and spend the evening hoovering the flat. Ruth told me, and anyone else who would listen (she kept phoning her parents and giving them updates), all about how she likes hoovering.

Usually we wouldn’t have had time to walk out on such a busy day, but we are managing to do everything a bit faster these days. Though I was worn out just from watching Ruth shampoo the carpet and do her yoga, and had to take to my bed…