Jasmine has learned the ‘In the Night Garden’ song for the Tombliboos and now touches her nose whenever the music comes on the TV, or when you sing to her, which is very cute. She also reaches out to touch your nose. Thanks to Grandma Stalker and Auntie Billie for the extremely cute dresses, and short and t-shirts!
We have got out Jasmine’s summer dresses, as it has been very hot. Our flat is all on one side and gets the sun all afternoon. We have been trying to do all our dialysis tasks in the morning, as it gets far too hot when we have to shut the windows. I went a bit mad cooking rice at 8 am this morning, before the heat gets up. I have been driving Ruth mad with my dashing about. Thankfully Jasmine is doing well at the moment, no colds or diarrhea, just the usual amount of vomiting.
We are all still waiting for the new baby. Ruth is fed up and can’t walk very far, so we have been getting the bus one stop and sitting on walls a lot. Ruth has spent many hours waiting for checkups at the hospital, and talking about c-sections, then the doctors are surprised when her blood pressure is up! Her blood pressure is fine when not down the hospital.