Jasmine has been getting much faster at shuffling across the floor. She sits upright and wiggles her way around the living room. We have to keep a much closer eye on her now.
Calista had to go for her second round of immunisations. She is now 6.14 kg (13 lbs 8 oz) and tracking the 75th centile. She is doing really well and starting to look around and smile. We think she is teething already, as her front teeth are visible through her gums and she is drooling. Ruth has been carrying Calista in the sling, which she likes, as she always goes to sleep.
The other day I was sitting on the floor feeding Jasmine and managed to bend my big-toe nail back, causing it to bleed. Ruth got out some sterile water and dressings and dressed the wound, which was great. I went back to feeding Jasmine, and Ruth promptly stood on my remaining toes!
We got Jasmine a mini buggy that she can put her dolls in. Now she shuffles over, puts piglet in the buggy and shouts what sounds like “I did it”. Then she pushes him over to the scales that we weigh Jasmine on every morning and evening (Jasmine is now 10.3 kg or 22 lbs 11 oz). She takes piglet out of the buggy and puts him on the scales (piglet weighs 0.1 kg). We thought that she was going to do his blood pressure and temperature next. It was only then that we noticed that piglet actually had a plaster on his foot. Jasmine had stuck one on to copy her dad.
So pleased to hear Calista enjoys the sling. Finding a way they will fall asleep does make life easier. Plus travelling around as much as you do in London, I certainly found it easier to have one in a backpack or sling and the other in the buggy. Great to hear about Jasmine too enjoying getting about and creating her mimicry games.
Thanks for the updates.