Yesterday Jasmine went for a scan on the urine flow from her kidney. A tracer fluid was injected into her kidney and the surgeons watched the flow via x-ray on their monitors. They had 7 monitors, but couldn’t get CBeebies on any of them. Unfortunately the ureter has narrowed and without a stent urine backs up into the kidney, potentially causing damage. This means that she has to go back for more surgery to remove the damaged section of ureter. Then she will have another stent and hopefully everything will heal up better on the second attempt. Jasmine was very brave, as she stayed still during the whole operation, while they were poking things into her and stitching temporary tubes and expanders into place. The surgeon had incredibly steady hands.
Jasmine hasn’t had any more temperatures, so she is on top of whatever infection she had. Her creatinine is back down to 39 and 41 over the past two days, so the new kidney is doing well. Her calories have been cut back to 650 a day, on a litre of fluids. She has to lose some weight so that she can become more mobile and get to walking about. Currently she is impressing all the nurses with her high speed bum shuffle around the ward.
Stay strong beautiful Jasmine. Sorry to hear that she has had to have more surgery. I hope things start to go a bit more smoothly for you all now. I bet she will be walking in no time.
Take care x