They tested a sample from Jasmine’s peritoneum again this morning. Unfortunately the white cell count was over 1000. Jasmine still doesn’t have a temperature, or other signs of infection. Later in the day they took another sample, which was still cloudy, and sent that off for analysis. The doctor thinks that there is a chance that Jasmine might have some sort of allergic reaction.
Jasmine is now on slightly more concentrated feed, as she has not been on dialysis. Her urine output has increased, so she is not looking puffy. Her creatinine went up some more, to 240. She didn’t take the last 6 mls of her feed in the evening, so I had my first go at opening the NG tube, feeding her the last 6 mls, and flushing the line with water. It wasn’t too difficult, much easier than some of the other tasks.