I had a lovely Mothering Sunday – so different to last year.
On Saturday, Neil took Jasmine in the sling to buy me a card and she picked it herself – she got a big bright pink one which she proudly carried home. Sunday was lovely and relaxing. We shared my chocolates and admired my lovely flowers and then we went for a walk and ended up playing on the swings. Jasmine laughs when she is on the swings and has even got the hang of pushing her weight back and forward in the swing so that she can move the swing backwards and forwards.
Monday, we went for counselling to talk about the transplant testing we have been experiencing just lately. It is still scary and sometimes overwhelming, but it is the key to a different kind of life, and we just have to be brave. It would help if there were some guarantees, but like all things in life, there aren’t.
Afterwards, we went for a coffee and Neil spent ages trying to take a picture of Jasmine and I. In the end he gave up as we were far more interested in chewing our bibs, styling our hair and watching the world go by.

I am starting to look and feel rather enormous, and don’t remember being this big with Jasmine, but of course I must have been. This baby seems to kick a lot more than Jasmine so we are currently wondering if it was because Jasmine is just such a cool laid back baby or she just didn’t feel too well.
Poor Jasmine has been vomiting loads just lately, even by her standards. It is very wearing as I am filling the washing machine twice a day – yesterday it was three times. I am so used to the vomit everywhere I don’t even notice peoples’ appalled stares when we are out in public.
sorry that Jasmine is vomiting so much more, that is so difficult, good for you ofr ignoring the stares and keep on living! I am impressed that you shared your chocolate, what a good mommy you are, seriously top notch (: You look great and I am sure that Jasmine is getting ready to get her little soccer playing sissy a card as well!