We got up early this morning and headed down the ward. Jasmine looked quite small this morning as they have been putting her on stronger dialysate in order to get rid of the excess fluid she is retaining. The registrar thinks that she is still retaining some fluid and was squeezing her thighs to test her fluid retention. I disconnected her from her machine, Neil made up her medicines and then we fed her and went out for breakfast.
After breakfast we headed back to the ward so that Neil could set up her machine for this evening. Then we came home and are lying about here, which is very nice. Jasmine is now getting into the habit of crying really loudly if there is something not exactly to her liking. We find it really funny, but shouldn’t as she is terribly spoilt, but so gorgeous we can’t help ourselves and give in.
Jasmine is so beautiful and is growing too. xxx Take care and lots of love andrea xx