We made a Christmas cake yesterday, which is something we do every year and is a part of our getting ready for Christmas ritual. Jasmine thought the whole thing was very interesting and kept sticking her hands into things. Neil was worried at one point as he was stirring the cake mix and Jasmine, who was sitting too close for comfort, was wretching a little bit. Luckily, nothing untoward happened and for the whole afternoon our flat smelt delightful as the cake baked in the oven.
This week we will be buying Christmas Cards from Kids Kidney Research who have some lovely cards for sale. Kids Kidney Research raise money to fund kidney research for babies and children in the UK.
Most people don’t realise that a good working kidney transplant will only work, if you are lucky, for 10-15 years, after which time it slowly starts to fail. If you are fortunate, you go are back on dialysis and the transplant waiting list. Research which explores new therapies to heal damaged kidneys or correct the faulty genes that cause kidney disease gives us all hope for a better future. So buy some cards or better still become a kidney donor!
This morning Jasmine and I watched the National Service of Rememberance at the Cenotaph in Whitehall on the Beeb. I was a bit weepy thinking of all the young people who have lost their lives over the past 80 years and gave thanks that the people I know who went off to war, came back.
everyones always looking for the “secret ingredient” to add, Jasmine may have had her own ‘input’ if you will
Hi everyone, Glad to hear your wonderful news, I haven’t been on the site for a while and I haven’t seen your mum for a few weeks, the Bingo was off for half term then I was a ‘sunny Blackpool’ so see diddy Ken Dodd, he was hilarious, Kenny and I had a great time, and now I have a stinking cold so the Bingo was a nono this week, I rang to tell your mum I wasn’t going but I spoke to your dad instead who relayed my message so, once again fabulous news, a new baby for big sisiter Jasmine to cuddle and ‘torment’ when they are older…so Ruth take care of yourself and best wishes to you all…loved the fur coat…bye for now,,Diane…x
[…] So, we are all ready for Christmas, including a homemade cake. Neil’s mum has made us a Dundee cake, which was very kind of her, as we were too tired this year to cook our own. […]