As Yogi Berra would say. The nephrostomy started to leak again today. It will be great when Jasmine has her operation and she no longer needs it.
We had a nice day. We watched the first half of the Boro v Man U match in the canteen downstairs. Then we went back upstairs for the second half as it was time for Jasmine’s feed. Feed times are much nicer now that she is enjoying her breastmilk.
After the match, Neil changed her PD exit site dressing and I set up her dialysis machine so we felt that we deserved a tea-break. We took Jasmine back downstairs for another cup of tea until it was time for her last feed and observations.
The only worrying thing is that during the night Jasmine’s machine alarmed several times to say that she was filling slowly. This could be due to fibrins (stringy bits) in the dialysate, though her fluid this morning was clear. The nurses are keeping an eye on it.