Today we are at home with Jasmine for the day. It is fantastic.I fell on a man on the tube whilst I was taking a picture of Neil and Jasmine (in the ward buggy). Neil was mortified and tried to pretend he wasn’t with me but it didn’t work. I explained to the man that it was our first time on the tube with Jasmine, but he probably thought it was mine since I was behaving in an overexcited manner.
Neil: At home we cuddled Jasmine all day. We had all her medications, and her feeds. I think that she was nearly as excited as we were. She had a go sitting on the chaise longue, looking at the trains. She also had a go sleeping in her cot, which was lovely after all this time with it empty.
In the evening we took Jasmine back to the hospital. They were beginning to wonder whether we were going to return! We took her blood pressure, weighed her, and took her temperature, then she went back on dialysis. She soon fell asleep, as she was worn out after such an exciting day.