We have finally got back on schedule and got up this morning at 8am. Neil fed Jasmine at 9am – well plugged her into the food pump – after doing her obs (blood pressure, temperature, weight) and I gave her a wash. This was so much better than feeling tired and getting up at 11am and missing feeds and trying to catch up and having a headache from too much sleep and then not getting to sleep at night.
We didn’t put Jasmine on an overnight feed last night as she wouldn’t go to sleep so I had to feed her to get her to fall asleep by which point she had had all of yesterday’s quota and some of today’s. And today it seems that she has put on a tiny bit of weight which is brilliant!
Neil put Jasmine on her front after this morning’s feed as she looked a bit vomity and she fell asleep and looked like she did in the photo. I used to worry about her sleeping like this but that is how her dad sleeps all night every night so I have calmed down a bit. And two minutes after I took this picture she turned her head to one side and vomited all over the carpet. She is now smiling and looking much happier and rolling about.
Jasmine has refused to eat any solids for about three weeks and I was getting a bit down about it. The only thing she will suck on occasionally is a marmite flavoured rice cake. At the hospital they said not to worry as she knows how to eat and how to drink and she won’t forget these things, even if she doesn’t want to eat or drink at the moment.
On Wednesday whilst waiting for my scan, a family came in with two toddlers who were each given a mini-packet of Cadbury’s animal biscuits and were munching away and staring at Jasmine and saying, “Baby, baby, baby,” as toddlers do. And Jasmine was fixated on their little bags and I felt bad that I didn’t have anything to give her.
So, yesterday we got Jasmine her own little mini-packet and she loved it and waved it about. And then I opened the packet and gave her a little mini-chocolate biscuit and she loved it. She sucked all the chocolate off and gnawed a bit of the biscuit and then threw it on the floor. So I am thrilled that she is starting to show an interest once more in a bit of food. Shame that it wasn’t the veg or bread I offered her at lunchtime but now that I know it isn’t all food all of the time I feel invigorated.
It is interesting as up until a couple of weeks ago she wouldn’t eat sweet things at all and turned her nose up at fruit, but now it seems I can try once more with slices of apples and bananas and satsumas. Fantastic!
It is funny that you can buy so many toys to ‘stimulate’ your baby these days as Jasmine spent most of yesterday afternoon playing with Neil’s laptop bag. She zipped and unzipped it and pulled the velcro fastenings backwards and forward. Until she finally settled upon chewing one of the straps.
Hi Ruth and Neil,
I have been looking at the photographs of baby Jasmine and how she has grown since August. She looks great! Take care and see you soon,
All my love