Baby yoga, carrots and potatoes

Jasmine eating carrots

Jasmine hasn’t been feeding as well over the past couple of days. We suspect some sort of tummy upset as she has been producing truly smelly nappies which are nothing like her ordinary ones and she cries when you try and feed her milk. She has also been struggling to drink her milk. She hasn’t been vomiting (well my idea of no vomiting is four times a day) which makes a change, she just hasn’t wanted to drink.

We are out of our routine today as we were late putting her on her dialysis and late bringing her off and feeding her. So we are behind with her milk as she feels too full when on dialysis and doesn’t want to drink and then when she came off dialysis she didn’t want any milk and then I was getting a bit stressed about her not wanting to drink and us not meeting the massive milk quota we need to get through. So I had a break from stressing and gave her some carrots and potatoes and she loved them.

According to the book I was given by the health visitor, babies only eat a couple of spoonfuls at first. Not Jasmine, she smacked her chops and ate about 10 little spoonfuls, and was singing and laughing. And then she went on and drank over half of her feed, that she hadn’t wanted earlier. I am guessing that she is fed up of the taste of milk and is ready for other stuff, as there is a whole world of interesting foods out there. The only problem is that giving her food means she won’t get as many nutrients as if we stuck to just milk. However, she can’t just have milk forever.

I spoke to my mother earlier who said that I should try giving Jasmine a bit of boiled water as she probably has wind. So Jasmine is watching ‘Songs of Praise’ at the moment and enjoying herself whilst the boiled water cools.

We started doing baby yoga with her yesterday. She liked the half spinal twists and the aeroplane rides. They said on the DVD that yoga helps form a bond with the baby, especially if you maintain eye contact. Not Jasmine, she wanted to watch the DVD herself and we were just getting in her way. Are we proper parents now or what? We get on our daughter’s nerves. I am so proud.


My mum is a genius. Jasmine had a few mouthfuls of boiled water and then went on to drink nearly all of her 3pm feed – She was a bit late at 5pm, but we can give her 6pm feed at 8pm and then we are all back on track and she will have had 80% of today millk feed and some baby yoga, carrots and potatoes and only vomited once so far today – absolutely unheard of! She won’t hit her milk target today, she will fall about 20% short. This is the only thing I am worried about. Is it better to feed her more knowing she will vomit more? I.e., put the NG tube back down. Or is it better to feed her less, risking not enough (orally and know that you can’t get it all down if she doesn’t want it) and not have her vomit? I guess only time can tell on this one.

I will go and pop her on her dialysis now, if I can drag her away from Robbie Coltrane’s tour round England.

One Response to “Baby yoga, carrots and potatoes”

  1. Linda says:

    Well done Grandma Stalker for the boiled water suggestion. And for Jasmine my but what big eyes you’ve got you look like you can sink that whole bottle of carrots and I love them too!

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