Jasmine’s feed has been increased to 61mls every three hours, so that she can put on a little bit of weight. Her weight has crept back up past her birth weight so it is 2.845kgs and it looks like proper fat. However, with dialysis it is difficult to know whether it is just fluid. But we think she might be starting to fill out.
She had a little vomit when I gave her a syringe full of sodium bicarbonate. Normally she is ok. We laughed as some of her medicines do sound like cooking ingredients. We keep waiting for the syringe of 1ml of hundreds and thousands.
We gave her the 7pm feed early so that she wouldn’t vomit when she was put on dialysis at 7pm. However, she had trouble finishing it and fell asleep so we had to put half of it down her NG tube. I have stopped worrying about the tube, I just want to her to fill out and grow.
That not hat, and there is another idea baby hat,