Lazing on a sunny afternoon

No tube
Neil put Jasmine in the sling this morning a different way up now that she is older and can almost hold her head up by herself and proceeded to potter round the flat making bread and breakfast for me. I had a lie in and he took charge which was lovely as I didn’t get to bed early enough last night and then I was overtired and fretting. Fretting does no good and the best thing to do is to get some sleep and eat well. Soon I will add exercise to that list as I have put on more weight since the birth which is annoying. I know why – all those lattes and flapjacks at the hospital – now none of my clothes fit as I bent over on the ward the other day and ripped my combats which were a bit snug. Now I will have to buy more clothes and I really hate shopping. So today we are all having the day off clothing and are sitting about dressed in nappies (Jasmine only) and vests.

It is so hot! We should go outside and make the most of the weather but it is quite nice to lie about and enjoy this bit of time as Neil goes back to work tomorrow. It is not quite time for the footie yet, but it is good listening on the radio footie weather – the last games of the season in the premier league which is a bit sad. What will we do next weekend?

Jasmine threw up her 12 o clock feed and so we had to feed her again as she got hungry and started to cry. She is snoozing away on Neil’s lap as he reads the paper. Later today we will have to get organised as Grandma Stalker is arriving for a few days tomorrow afternoon. In the morning we have to go to GOSH for our first outpatient appointment and then we have our health visitor coming round. It is all go!

One of the nurses from the ward rang earlier to see how we were getting on and to get Jasmine’s figures: weight, blood pressure and temperature before and after dialysis. It was nice to chat to her and it was nice to get the phone call (we got one yesterday too) so we know we have someone we can talk to if we get worried about anything.

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